Britische & irische Quidditch-Liga: Saison 2024/2025

  • Britische & irische Quidditch-Liga

    Saison 2024/2025

    = Schnatzfang


    1. Spieltag (05. Oktober 2024) Endstand
    Wimbourner Wasps Wigtown Wanderers
    Appleby Arrows
    Holyhead Harpies 180:90
    Falmouth Falcons Montrose Magpies
    Puddlemere United Caerphilly Catapults
    Pride of Portree Chudley Cannons
    Kenmare Kestrels Ballycastle Bats
    Tutshill Tornadps - -

    2. Spieltag (26. Oktober 2024) Endstand
    Ballycastle Bats Pride of Portree
    Chudley Cannons Tutshill Tornados
    Montrose Magpies Appleby Arrows
    Falmouth Falcons Puddlemere United
    Holyhead Harpies Kenmare Kestrels
    Caerphilly Catapults Wigtown Wanderers
    Wimbourner Wasps -

    3. Spieltag (16. November 2024) Endstand
    Appleby Arrows Puddlemere United
    Wigtown Wanderers Falmouth Falcons
    Pride of Portree Holyhead Harpies
    Wimbourner Wasps Caerphilly Catapults
    Kenmare Kestrels Montrose Magpies
    Tutshill Tornados Ballycaste Bats
    Chudley Cannons -

    4. Spieltag (07. Dezember 2024) Endstand
    Chudley Cannons Holyhead Harpies
    Pride of Portree Puddlemere United
    Appleby Arrows Wimbourner Wasps
    Caerphilly Catapults Falmouth Falcons
    Tutshill Tornados Montrose Magpies
    Kenmare Kestrels Wigtown Wanderers
    Ballycastle Bats -

    5. Spieltag (28. Dezember 2024) Endstand
    Falmouth Falcons Wimbourner Wasps
    Holyhead Harpies Tutshill Tornados
    Montrose Magpies Pride of Portree
    Ballycastle Bats Chudley Cannons
    Puddlemere United Kenmare Kestrels
    Wigtown Wanderers Appleby Arrows
    Caerphilly Catapults -

    6. Spieltag (9. Februar 2025) Endstand
    Holyhead Harpies Ballycastle Bats
    Caerphilly Catapults Appleby Arrows
    Wimbourner Wasps Kenmare Kestrels
    Wigtown Wanderers Pride of Portree
    Montrose Magpies Chudley Cannons
    Puddlemere United Tutshill Tornados
    Falmouth Falcons -

    7. Spieltag (01. März 2025) Endstand
    Appleby Arrows Falmouth Falcons
    Chudley Cannons Puddlemere United
    Pride of Portree Wimbourner Wasps
    Kenmare Kestrels Caerphilly Catapults
    Tutshill Tornados Wigtown Wanderers
    Ballycastle Bats Montrose Magpies
    Holyhead Harpies -

    8. Spieltag (22. März 2025) Endstand
    Falmouth Falcons Kenmare Kestrels
    Caerphilly Catapults Pride of Portree
    Wigtown Wanderers Chudley Cannons
    Puddlemere United Ballycastle Bats
    Wimboruner Wasps Tutshill Tornados
    Montrose Magpies Holyhead Harpies
    Appleby Arrows -

    9. Spieltag (12. April 2025) Endstand
    Tutshill Tornados Caerphilly Catapults
    Chudley Cannons Wimbourner Wasps
    Holyhead Harpies Puddlemere United
    Pride of Portree Falmouth Falcons
    Kenmare Kestrels Appleby Arrows
    Ballycastle Bats Wigtown Wanderers
    Montrose Magpies -

    10. Spieltag (03. Mai 2025) Endstand
    Wimbourner Wasps Ballycastle Bats
    Appleby Arrows Pride of Portree
    Falmouth Falcons Tutshill Tornados
    Caerphilly Catapults Chudley Cannons
    Wigtown Wanderers Holyhead Harpies
    Puddlemere United Montrose Magpies
    Kenmare Kestrels -

    11. Spieltag (24. Mai2025) Endstand
    Pride of Portree Kenmare Kestrels
    Holyhead Harpies Wimbourner Wasps
    Tutshill Tornados Appleby Arrows
    Ballycastle Bats Caerphilly Catapults
    Montrose Magpies Wigtown Wanderers
    Chudley Cannons Falmouth Falcons
    Puddlemere United -

    12. Spieltag (14. Juni 2025) Endstand
    Wimbourner Wasps Montrose Magpies
    Wigtown Wanderers Puddlemere United
    Falmouth Falcons Ballycastle Bats
    Caerphilly Catapults Holyhead Harpies
    Kenmare Kestrels Tutshill Tornados
    Appleby Arrows Chudley Cannons
    Pride of Portree -

    13. Spieltag (05. Juli 2024) Endstand
    Ballycastle Bats Appleby Arrows
    Puddlemere United Wimbourner Wasps
    Tutshill Tornados Pride of Portree
    Montrose Magpies Caerphilly Catatpults
    Chudley Cannons Kenmare Kestrels
    Holyhead Harpies Falmouth Falcons
    Wigtown Wanderers -

  • 0:1Tabelle

    Platz Mannschaft Siege vs. Niederlagen Punkteverhältnis
    1. Wigtown Wanderers
    1:0 270:20
    2. Montrose Magpies
    1:0 180:40
    3. Ballycastle Bats
    1:0 180:50
    4. Appleby Arrows
    1:0 180:90
    5. Puddleymere United
    1:0 290:250
    6. Chudley Cannons
    1:0 220:200
    7. Tutshill Tornados 0:0 0:0
    8. Pride of Portree
    0:1 200:220
    9. Caerphilly Catapults
    0:1 250:290
    10. Holyhead Harpies
    0:1 90:180
    11. Kenmare Kestrels
    0:1 50:180
    12. Falmouth Falcons
    0:1 40:180
    13. Wimbourner Waps 0:1 20:270

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